The finance director for the U.S. Congressional campaign of state House Speaker Chris Donovan was arrested on Wednesday, accused of conspiracy to conceal the source of contributions to the U.S. House of Representatives meant to influence voting on roll your own cigarette legislation.
Robert Braddock Jr., 33, of Meriden, was charged in a federal criminal complaint with conspiracy to conceal the source of contributions to the Donovan's congressional campaign.
He is listed on the payroll for Chris Donovan’s U.S. Congressional Campaign, according to documents submitted to the Federal Elections Commission. The document does not state Braddock’s role.
"I am cooperating fully with the investigation, which is on-going, as is my campaign," Donovan said in a statement Thursday. "The campaign employees allegedly involved have been terminated, and the leadership of the campaign has changed. Tom Swan is joining the campaign, as campaign manager, effective immediately,"
Donovan did not say which employees were terminated.
The complaint alleges that Braddock conspired with other people to accept campaign contributions made by one person in the name of another person, which violates federal campaign finance, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.
During the investigation, several conversations were recorded and FBI Special Agents went undercover.
According to the Justice Department, the purpose was to conceal that they were to finance an interest in legislation introduced in the state General Assembly during the 2012 legislative session that would have deemed Roll-Your-Own smoke shop owners to be tobacco manufacturers under Connecticut law, which would have subjected shop owners to a substantial licensing fee and tax increase.
The General Assembly’s Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding voted in favor of the bill, Senate Bill 357, on April 3, 2012.
The criminal complaint alleges that the potential that that bill would be enacted prompted Braddock and people referred to as “co-conspirators” to arrange a payment of $10,000 to the campaign, which consisted of four $2,500 checks in the names of conduit contributors.
The complaint states that an initial $10,000 in campaign contributions was made early in May and an additional $10,000 payment would come upon the defeat of the Roll-Your-Own legislation. On May 9, 2012, when the legislative session ended, and the legislation had not been called for a vote by either chamber of the General Assembly and that second $10,000 payment was received, according to the affidavit.
However ,when a “co-conspirator” told Braddock that one of the contributions was in the form of a bank check provided by one of the Roll-Your-Own shop owners, Braddock arranged for the check not to be deposited into the campaign’s bank account, met with the co-conspirator and an aide to the campaign at a restaurant in Southington and arranged for a replacement $2,500 check in the name of a different conduit contributor who was not affiliated with any Roll-Your-Own shops, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.
“In his role as campaign finance director, it is alleged that this defendant conspired to conceal the source of campaign contributions to the campaign of a candidate for Congress,” stated U.S. Attorney Fein. “The U.S. Attorney’s Office and the FBI are committed to investigating and prosecuting illegal behavior that corrupts our political process. This investigation is ongoing.”
Braddock appeared in court and Hartford and was released on a $100,000 bond.
"These allegations are despicable," Gov. Dannel Malloy said. "While I am encouraged that the Speaker is cooperating with the investigation, his position requires that he give our residents a full explanation of what he knows."
The Wait is Over -- 21st Century Personal Finance Tools Have Finally Arrived! - YAHOO!
DebtorWise Foundation Revolutionizes Household Budgeting
Rochester, NY (PRWEB) May 31, 2012
With tens of millions of Americans struggling with consumer debt burdens and millions trying to save their homes from foreclosure, it is shocking that 19th Century personal finance tools remain the primary option for distressed households. Indeed, the lack of precise and realistic money management tools characterizes the personal finance education industry that is dominated by private banks, credit unions, higher education, nonprofit foundations, personal finance gurus, and especially federal and state government agencies. Even the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability has ignored its leadership responsibility to develop and promote more accurate and innovative approaches to personal finance in general and household budgeting in particular. Americans need and deserve so much more during this period of economic uncertainty.The key question is why are financial institutions and even public agencies continuing to use antiquated personal finance software/methods and related budgeting/money management curricula rather than more practical approaches that address the complexity of contemporary household finances? In particular, why are American households encouraged to use gross income assessment tools when their economic reality is that household expenses must be paid from net income? Is there a reason that these personal finance tools provide the illusion of greater financial control and yet lead the average American to higher levels of consumption and ultimately consumer debt?
With this ongoing leadership crisis in the personal finance education industry, the DebtorWise Foundation is pleased to announce the release of its pathbreaking, net cash-flow budgeting/ personal finance Credit Counseling course that is based on the IRS 1040 federal tax guidelines. Rather than a “one size fits all” approach to personal finance with its inherent imprecision, the DebtorWise Foundation’s money management software/curriculum enable consumers to: (a) specify the unique economic characteristics of their household, (b) calculate their monthly net income, and (c) customize a household budget based on the financial constraints of their net cash-flow. The key features include household size/structure, tax filing status, and state and local income tax liabilities. Furthermore, the DWF budgeting software is accompanied with a state-of-the art document management/data verification system.
According to Dr. Anita Butera, Esq, Director of Bankruptcy Education, “it is striking that Americans are berated over their lack of personal finance skills. Yet, the so-called experts promote personal finance tools that are more appropriate for the age of the horse and buggy than the Ipad generation. At DebtorWise, we have harnessed the scholarly vision and academic precision of our founder—Dr. Robert D. Manning —to better serve those Americans that desperately need our practical guidance and innovative budgeting software/courses/assistance.”
As Dr. Butera explains, “Imagine trying to develop a budget based on gross income that ignores state and local taxes, itemized tax deductions, and even homeowner status. You can easily overestimate available household income to pay monthly expenses by 20% - 25%. And, try evaluating whether a mortgage modification is affordable when you don’t know the net cost of lower loan (tax deductible) interest rates. No wonder so many hard working families are confused over balancing their budget --with gross income—when they realize that they don’t have enough money to pay their bills at the end of the month! Is it surprising that so many people give up on their personal finances?” With the goal of bridging this informational deficiency, the DebtorWise Foundation is offering the first net cash-flow budgeting curriculum that is based on the IRS 1040 federal tax guidelines.
The DebtorWise Foundation is the nation’s leading innovator in online financial education courses and personal finance software. Founded by Dr. Manning, an internationally recognized consumer finance scholar, the DebtorWise Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing affordable financial education to financially distressed and low-income households. It provides the pre-filing Credit Counseling and pre-discharge Debtor Education courses that are required by the Federal Court for filing consumer bankruptcy. Dr. Manning's most recent monograph examines Walmart's expansion into consumer financial services in the United States with a case-study of Banco Walmart de Mexico.
For more information contact:
Donna Slavin,
Director of Special Programs
(585) 270-8398
Donna Slavin
DebtorWise Foundation
(585) 563-7715
Email Information
Barclays plc appoints Head of Asset Finance, Corporate Banking - Director of Finance online
Barclays plc (LON:BARC) has appointment Dennis Watson as its new Head of Asset Finance within the Corporate Bank.Watson is already responsible for the bank’s real estate, project finance and mezzanine debt origination teams and will assume control of the Asset Finance business, taking over from Alex Brown who has moved across to spearhead Barclays representation in the education, local authority and social housing sectors.
The change of leadership comes as Barclays reshapes the way asset finance is delivered to its corporate banking clients.
Dennis Watson explains: “We are not changing our appetite for asset finance, far from it, but what we are doing is bringing asset finance alongside our other asset backed and working capital debt propositions, enhancing the client experience by identifying needs earlier and supporting them with the right capital structure from a wider range of products.
"In today’s uncertain world it is important that a client’s debt needs are viewed in the round rather than on a single asset or transaction basis.
"Alex ran the asset finance business with great success in recent years, putting the business on a solid footing for the future and it is only through the efforts of him and his team that asset finance has become such an important instrument in the debt toolbox for Barclays”.
Virgin Money cuts interest-only maximum LTV to 70% - Money Marketing
Virgin Money has reduced its maximum loan-to-value for interest-only mortgages from 75 per cent to 70 per cent.
The revised policy applies to all decisions in principle generated from May 31.
There is no impact on existing customers with interest-only loans.
All pipeline applications which have been agreed prior to the new policy will be honoured.
Borrowers wishing to use the sale of another property to repay an interest-only loan will only be able to borrow up to 60 per cent of the property’s value.
Existing customers wishing to port their mortgage to a new property are able to do so, providing there are no changes to the loan size or the term length.
In the past two months, lenders including Santander, ING Direct, Leeds Building Society, Nationwide Building Society and Coventry Building Society have all cut their maximum LTVs from 75 per cent to 50 per cent while Skipton Building Society has cut its maximum LTV from 75 per cent to 60 per cent and The Co-operative Bank has pulled out of this type of lending altogether.
Earlier this month, the FSA revealed a number of lenders have asked it to ban interest-only lending as part of the mortgage market review.
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