Forex Crescendo – is it seriously worth buying? - Seahawk
Here you are at my concise review of Forex Crescendo. In this review I will respond to those burning queries for anyone interested in this product.
Is it a scam? Well, there is actually one trouble-free way to find this out for a digital product: what is the refund rate? Products with a high refund rate can be a scam. It makes sense – if it’s a scam, then people are going to be returning it in high numbers. In the case of Forex Crescendo the approx refund rate is 0.12%, which is shockingly low, and suggests this product is certainly not a scam.
Is it worth purchasing? Forex Crescendo features many verifiable testimonials from happy users on its web page. These are testimonials from past customers that have taken the time and energy to send in a testimonial, so reading their views is often well worth it. You should then backup that research by taking a look at an external review. – see the website at the conclusion of this report for one such Forex Crescendo review, which gives the product a rating of 4.49/5.
Can I obtain a bonus for getting this product? (and what exactly is a bonus?) Some sites can offer you a purchase bonus if you buy an item through their website (as a thank-you for purchasing through their website). In the example of Forex Crescendo, there’s a bonus on offer – see web page link elsewhere in the article.
Forex Crescendo – what is it all about? Let’s check out the product’s web page for this one, and see what precisely they say about themselves:
- trading my live REAL MONEY account
- In 7 Short Minutes, You Will Have The Most Powerful Automated Trading System Ever Invented
- Forex Crescendo trades automatically without any intervention from me.
- How you control risk is the most important thing.
Can I get my money back if it turns out I don’t like it after all Yes you can! The product is covered by a 60-day no quibble money-back guarantee through the payment processor (Clickbank). Which means that you can get a refund without needing to go to the product owners – you can just do it by means of Clickbank.
You might also like to have a look at a Stop Paying Cable Bills – Digital TV on PC critique also, because there is a bonus available for that.
What do I do now? We’ve covered all the main questions that potential buyers have prior to purchasing this product. Before making that last purchasing decision, I suggest you have a look at the complete review sheet (see link in this article). It will tell you some further information, including complimentary products, any discount rates and any bonuses offered. You can also find information on the Forex Crescendo bonus mentioned previously. So, go there now (see web page link elsewhere in this article) and you’ll be able to read the complete review of Forex Crescendo.
Here you are at my concise review of Forex Crescendo. In this review I will respond to those burning queries for anyone interested in this product.
Is it a scam? Well, there is actually one trouble-free way to find this out for a digital product: what is the refund rate? Products with a high refund rate can be a scam. It makes sense – if it’s a scam, then people are going to be returning it in high numbers. In the case of Forex Crescendo the approx refund rate is 0.12%, which is shockingly low, and suggests this product is certainly not a scam.
Is it worth purchasing? Forex Crescendo features many verifiable testimonials from happy users on its web page. These are testimonials from past customers that have taken the time and energy to send in a testimonial, so reading their views is often well worth it. You should then backup that research by taking a look at an external review. – see the website at the conclusion of this report for one such Forex Crescendo review, which gives the product a rating of 4.49/5.
Can I obtain a bonus for getting this product? (and what exactly is a bonus?) Some sites can offer you a purchase bonus if you buy an item through their website (as a thank-you for purchasing through their website). In the example of Forex Crescendo, there’s a bonus on offer – see web page link elsewhere in the article.
Forex Crescendo – what is it all about? Let’s check out the product’s web page for this one, and see what precisely they say about themselves:
- trading my live REAL MONEY account
- In 7 Short Minutes, You Will Have The Most Powerful Automated Trading System Ever Invented
- Forex Crescendo trades automatically without any intervention from me.
- How you control risk is the most important thing.
Can I get my money back if it turns out I don’t like it after all Yes you can! The product is covered by a 60-day no quibble money-back guarantee through the payment processor (Clickbank). Which means that you can get a refund without needing to go to the product owners – you can just do it by means of Clickbank.
You might also like to have a look at a Stop Paying Cable Bills – Digital TV on PC critique also, because there is a bonus available for that.
What do I do now? We’ve covered all the main questions that potential buyers have prior to purchasing this product. Before making that last purchasing decision, I suggest you have a look at the complete review sheet (see link in this article). It will tell you some further information, including complimentary products, any discount rates and any bonuses offered. You can also find information on the Forex Crescendo bonus mentioned previously. So, go there now (see web page link elsewhere in this article) and you’ll be able to read the complete review of Forex Crescendo.
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Triumph Expands Commercial Finance Platform With Addition of Industry Veterans Karas and Copple -
DALLAS, May 23, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - Triumph Commercial Finance, a wholly owned subsidiary of Triumph Savings Bank, SSB, today announced the naming of two senior executives to lead its asset based lending and equipment finance operations. Dan Karas has been named EVP, Asset Based Lending and Dirk Copple will serve as EVP, Equipment Finance.
"The expansion into asset based lending and commercial finance is a logical next step for Triumph," said Aaron P. Graft, CEO of Triumph Savings Bank, SSB. "Earlier this year, we acquired Advance Business Capital, a best in class factoring company. Our plan was to leverage the strength of Advance Business Capital's leadership team and platform to build a mutli-faceted commercial finance organization. With the addition of Dan Karas and Dirk Copple, we've assembled a top notch team to lead us forward."
"Both of these guys are terrific relationship lenders," said Steven Hausman, who besides leading Advance Business Capital will now serve as President and CEO of Triumph Commercial Finance. "Dan Karas and Dirk Copple have each built organizations that really got to know their customers." George Thorson, Advance Business Capital's Chief Operating Officer, will also serve as the Chief Credit Officer for the Triumph Commercial Finance.
Dan Karas to Lead Asset Based Lending
Dan Karas brings nearly thirty years' of experience in all aspects of commercial finance to Triumph Commercial Finance. For the last five years Karas has been Executive Vice President and Managing Director of Marquette Business Credit, where he led Marquette's general factoring business as well as marketing for its asset based lending platform. Prior to that, he spent seven years at GE Commercial Finance/Heller Financial as Managing Director of the Corporate Lending Group, then the Enterprise Client Group and finally Energy Financial Services. He received his BS in Finance and Management from Temple University and his MBA from the Stern School of Business at New York University.
Said Karas, "I'm thrilled to be joining a team with the capacity, vision and drive to build an organization that delivers superior value to our clients and stakeholders. Triumph Commercial Finance is a client-centric business designed to meet the growth needs of the small and middle market businesses that play such a critical role in our economy."
Dirk Copple to Lead Equipment Financing
Dirk Copple is a twenty-two year veteran of commercial equipment finance, beginning his career the Associates Commercial Corporation and, subsequently, CitiCapital Commercial Corp. He joined Financial Federal Corporation in 2002, building a significant transportation portfolio for the Southwest region. After Financial Federal was acquired by People's United Bank in 2010, Copple's responsibilities were expanded to include construction equipment and other asset financing. He has a BS in Business Administration from the University of Arkansas.
Said Copple, "There's an energy level to this Triumph team that is truly irresistible. Core values are visible and communicated openly, and there's a commitment to doing business the right way. I'm very honored to be part of the Triumph Commercial Finance team."
Triumph Savings Bank, SSB
Triumph Commercial Finance is a wholly owned subsidiary of Triumph Savings Bank. Triumph Savings Bank was founded in November 2010 when a group of investors led by Dallas entrepreneur Aaron P. Graft, acquired and recapitalized the financially troubled Equity Bank, SSB. Triumph is now pursuing its goal of expanding into non-traditional banking sectors. The bank's commercial finance subsidiary, Triumph Commercial Finance, acquired Advance Business Capital, one of the nation's leading transportation factoring companies, in January of 2012.
Said Graft, "When we evaluate any new business opportunity, we primarily focus on the quality of the people who will lead the team. Our secondary consideration is the market fundamentals for the particular segment. Whenever we find outstanding people with experience in structurally underserved market segments, we move quickly. That's what led to the decision to bring Dan Karas and Dirk Copple to Triumph Commercial Finance to lead us into these new markets, and we are very excited about the future."
This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit
CONTACT: Triumph Commercial Finance Steven Hausman 214-513-9610
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