Gulf Finance House - Bahrain - Gulf Finance House - Bahrain -

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Gulf Finance House - Bahrain -

Gulf Finance House - Bahrain -
GFH recently became the first Islamic investment bank in the Middle East to be listed on the London Stock Exchange.

Established on 16 October 1999 in the Kingdom of Bahrain, GFH is committed to the Islamic Sharia philosophy of wealth management and a well-defined and broad-based portfolio of investments spread across three continents: Asia, Africa and Europe.

GFH has a paid up capital of USD 239 million and an authorized capital of USD 300 million.

GFH has won "Best Investment Bank" for three years in a row in 2005, 2006 and 2007, awarded by Banker Middle East, "Deals of the Year Award 2007" by The Banker, the "Lipper Fund Award 2007" for GFH's Al Basha'er GCC Equity Fund and "Best Islamic Real Estate Finance House 2005" awarded by Euromoney.

GFH has also received the "World Islamic Funds Excellence Award 2005" by The World Islamic Funds and "The Outstanding Islamic Financial Institution Award 2005" by the Institute of Islamic Finance Inc.

Bournemouth plans for £2m academy of business and tourism - This is Dorset

Bournemouth plans for £2m academy of business and tourism

BOURNEMOUTH has made a ‘tremendously exciting’ bid for £2million to set up a national academy of business and tourism.

Head of tourism Mark Smith said the town is on the final shortlist of 10 from more than 100 applications and has a ‘fighting chance’ of winning the money.

Mr Smith, speaking at the May meeting of Bourne-mouth chamber of trade, said the money would come from the government’s Coastal Comm-unities Fund.

The plan comes from the ashes of last year’s failed bid for £4million from the regional growth fund.

Mr Smith said the idea is make Bournemouth famous for business and tourism excellence in the same way that, for example, Loughbrough is known for sport.

If successful, the council would work on the academy with Bournemouth University.

Mr Smith added: “There’s only one other country in the world with a national tourism academy – China.”


Reader Echo says...
1:05pm Sun 20 May 12

Surf Reef, Imax, Twin Sails.... And the next waste of taxpayers money for the area will be.... The 'National academy of business and tourism'. Reader Echo

Frogham Ferret says...
1:18pm Sun 20 May 12

Mr Smith would be better employed training Council staff to welcome the public rather than rip them off. Frogham Ferret

Old Colonial says...
2:14pm Sun 20 May 12

I suppose it is ‘tremendously exciting’, especially if it means you can hang on to your job for a little while longer. Old Colonial

The Business Finance Store Discusses Business Incubators - PRWeb

Funding Is Available

Santa Ana, CA (PRWEB) May 20, 2012

Pinterest, the online virtual pin board, raised $100 million in a round of financing this week, The Wall Street Journal reported. The venture-capital funded tech startup is reportedly valued at $1.5 billion. With the incredible valuation of tech startups such as Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook, many entrepreneurs might be wondering how they can ramp up their ideas to be the next Pinterest or Facebook. One common route that many small businesses choose is using a business incubator to help fully develop their ideas. In the recent blog post “Finding a Business Incubator to Help Grow Your Small Business,” The Business Finance Store discusses business incubators and how entrepreneurs can find the right one to develop their ideas into a successful business.

Competition for startups can be pretty stiff. Getting access to financing and expertise to ensure business success can be difficult to obtain. Incubators house budding businesses and provide an environment for a startup to thrive. Read more about startups, incubators and other small business considerations at The Business Finance Store Blog.

The Business Finance Store is a business financing and consulting firm that offers customized Business Financial Solutions. Seasoned professionals offer assistance in a variety of financial solutions to help small businesses succeed such as: Business Financial Solutions, Legal Solutions, and Accounting Solutions.

The staff at The Business Finance Store understands that starting and growing a business is an exciting time. They keep it exciting by taking care of some of the most difficult aspects, by providing legal advice, helping with vital responsibilities like accounting & bookkeeping, and by obtaining business finance. They can quickly and easily guide entrepreneurs through many different complicated processes and put them on the path to success.

For 10 years The Business Finance Store has been helping startups and other small businesses legally structure their companies, find the right franchises, get the funding they need, and achieve the American Dream of owning their own successful business. Since expanding nationwide in 2007, they have helped thousands of companies and have funded over $60 Million in business credit lines, not including SBA loans. The Business Finance Store sees limitless potential in the current climate, and looks forward to many strong years of growth to come. Take some time to review their services, and give them a call.

For more information, or a free, no-obligation analysis of your business needs, visit The Business Finance Store website:http:// A member of their professional staff will contact you to discuss your business' short and long-term goals. Whatever you need, The Business Finance Store is there.

Money-laundering bills get cabinet nod - Bangkok Post

The cabinet has approved in principle two draft bills aimed at fighting the funding of terrorism through money laundering in the hope the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) will remove Thailand from its blacklist, Justice Minister Pracha Promnok said.

The approval was made at a mobile cabinet meeting in Kanchanaburi province.

Pol Gen Pracha said the first bill is intended to beef up the existing Anti-Money Laundering Act and the second bill is on the prevention and suppression of financial support for terrorism. Both pieces of legislation have been proposed by the Justice Ministry.

Approval in principle means the two draft bills will first be examined by the Council of State. After that they will be returned to the cabinet and then forwarded to the House of Representatives for deliberation.

The bill on prevention and suppression of financial support for terrorism contains measures to be taken against those supporting terrorism in the form of money or assets.

This is in response to the United Nations convention of 1999 for the prevention of financing terrorism and the National Security Council's (NSC) resolution No 1373.

Thailand was put on the FATF's grey-list in 2010 and its subsequent failure to follow up on enacting new laws on terrorism and money laundering led to the FATF's latest decision to put the country on its blacklist.

The FATF is responsible for setting global standards on fighting money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism.

Being on the FATF's blacklist will have a considerable effect on Thailand's business sector.

Therefore, the governement wants the two bills to be passed and put into effect before the end of Februay next year so that the FATF can consider removing Thailand from the blacklist, Pol Gen Pracha said.

Government spokesman Anusorn Iamsa-ard said Deputy Prime Minister Yongyuth Wichaidit will preside over the next cabinet meeting on May 29 as Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra will be away on an official visit to Australia between May 27-29.

Another mobile cabinet meeting will be held on June 18-19 in Chon Buri province. The meeting will be hosted by Culture Minister Sukumol Khunploem.

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Personal Finance this weekend - Financial Post

Did you miss anything in this weekend’s Personal Finance section of the Financial Post? Here’s a round-up of our coverage, just in case.

Baby Boomers are doing some serious retirement planning these days but there is one problem: They forgot to plan for their parents, says Ted Rechtshaffen.

In this week’s Family Finance, a Canadian couple who moved back to the husband’s native-Guatemala for work have a decision to make. While they are making a lot of money, Guatemala has one of the highest murder rates in the Western world. Should they forfeit a comfortable retirement for safety in Toronto?

Eduardo Saverin, one of Facebook’s founders,  is moving to Singapore to save himself millions in capital gains tax from the sale of his Facebook shares. In Canada, you just need to move to Alberta, argues Jamie Golombek.

Money can cause a lot of relationship stress. But all is not lost. Setting goals together can help couples find that all-important common ground to help achieve those goals.

Borrowing to invest is certainly a controversial topic. But Talbot Stevens argues that thanks to tougher regulations, the practice is safer than ever.

For full coverage, be sure to visit our Personal Finance page.

Want to stay up to date? Like us on Facebook.

Personal Finance: Will you inherit cash, or chaos? - Sacramento Bee

When someone we love passes away, the grief can be overwhelming. And it can be compounded by paperwork. Piles of it.

Sorting it all out amid the grieving process can be doubly daunting. Is there a trust or even a will? Where did Mom want to be buried – or cremated? What happened to Dad's military pension? Who's their attorney? Where are their bank accounts?

It doesn't need to be that way.

To avoid the financial and emotional chaos, a number of families and money-management professionals rely on a one-stop system: a document, a binder – even a single desk drawer – that contains all the financial paperwork we inevitably leave behind.

"It makes it so much easier (at a time) when people are under emotional stress that's off the charts," said John D. Winters, a Sacramento investment adviser. Having one designated place containing a list of all the essential documents and contact information "is the best tool a financial planner can deliver for families. I have one for my family."

The documentation should cover your financial life, everything from an inventory of your stocks, bonds and IRAs to insurance policies and military pensions – even your airline frequent flier miles.

You can also include specific details such as what you want written in your obituary, who should take your pets and where you've hidden the key to the safe deposit box.

For most parents, the goal "is to make it as painless as possible for their children. You don't want your kids to struggle to look for things when you're gone," said Sacramento estate planning attorney Trudy Nearn. "By getting it all in one place, they get their kids ready to take over."

And it can go far beyond monetary possessions.

"It's not only what's in your bank account, but what's in your heart," said Donna Pagano, a certified financial planner and co- author of the "Family Love Letter," (, a financial planning booklet that includes sections to jot down your family history and remembrances.

Pagano, for instance, recommends leaving letters to your children. In the late 1990s, the Westlake Village resident and her husband were devastated by the unexpected heart attack of a close friend, a father of two young children who would never know their dad. That prompted the couple to begin writing letters to their three children – all now in their 30s – during various stages of their kids' triumphs and struggles. Pagano said her letters, which are intended to be read after she's gone, recount her pride in who her children are and the choices they've made in life.

On the practical side, the documents can include funeral arrangements – or if you even want them. The Family Love Letter, for instance, includes space to insert the inscription you want on your tombstone and who you don't want at your memorial service.

"I've had clients say they want their ashes scattered in the sand trap on the 17th hole of Pebble Beach," said attorney Nearn, who puts everything in a binder for clients.

Even if that instruction isn't legal in California, Nearn said, she includes it in the person's advance health care directive so the family knows what the parent wanted.

Rashida Lilani, a Roseville certified financial planner, created her own checklist for clients that documents everything from investments to passports.

By filling it out now, parents can prevent the loss of valuable information due to dementia or forgetfulness. "What if Dad bought a $500,000 life insurance policy but never told Mom about it?" she noted.

The process of sorting and documenting your financial life can ward off potential problems and yield unexpected benefits.

For instance, without a list of magazine or satellite radio subscriptions, those contracts could continue dinging bank or credit card accounts for months after you're gone.

Pagano knows a woman who discovered her mother had inadvertently renewed numerous magazine subscriptions through 2020. After her mother's death, she called and got nearly $1,000 refunded.

It also can be a good time to double-check details, such as whether the correct beneficiaries are on your life insurance or pension accounts.

In one instance, Pagano said, an elderly widow whose husband served in World War II as a young man had a small military pension. When he died, decades after his military service, his widow discovered that she and their children weren't listed as beneficiary; his first wife was.

The process also can be a reminder to jot down where cash and valuables are stored.

Financial advisers love to recount clients' stories of where they've found cash left behind by parents or relatives. The woman whose uncle had stashed money in his prosthetic leg. The relative who kept cash in a sealed pipe against his house. The elderly woman who lined up paper bills under her living room rug. Or a parent who left wads of bills stuffed into the attic insulation.

"The sad thing is, the elderly often forget where they've hidden money," said Pagano. "Tell somebody: your kids, your attorney. Write it down and lock up (the information). At least let somebody know."

The longtime financial planner said she learned that lesson herself. When a wildfire forced an evacuation of their Southern California home a few years ago, she was in New York on business. By phone, she frantically sent her husband scurrying around their house, pulling out her secret stashes of cash from drawers, closets and clothes.

Today, she keeps her extra cash in a single place: a bedroom safe.

While filling out the paperwork can feel tedious, it doesn't have to be exhaustive. You can take shortcuts, like putting all your credit cards – front and back – on a copier. Or compiling the inventory on your computer and storing it on a memory stick.

On his personal finance website, Dave Ramsey suggests organizing it "in a way that anyone can find a specific document in 30 seconds. All files should be clearly marked, in order, and easy for a grieving family member to find."

(For details, see accompanying box.)

To ensure that your financial documents or file folders don't wind up in the wrong hands, it's best to keep them in a safe or a locked, fireproof filing cabinet. Tell a trusted friend or family member where to find the key or combination.

For many clients, it's a triggering event, such as the death of a spouse or parents, that focuses the survivors on gathering their own financial paperwork.

And quite often it's women who initiate it, says financial planner Lilani.

"Women think about the emotional side of making sure it gets done right," said Lilani. "Moms know their children are busy and want to make it easier. It's another act of love."


Financial guru Dave Ramsey recommends what he calls a "legacy drawer": a place to keep the essential documents of your life so your family can easily find things after you're gone. Here's his list of 11 essentials:

1. Cover letter – Nothing fancy, just a single letter to introduce loved ones to the drawer's contents.

2. Will or trust – Copies of your will or trust, including names of the executor and person with power of attorney.

3. Financial accounts – List anything in your name, including account numbers and amounts. This includes credit card, bank, retirement accounts.

4. Funeral plans – All instructions should be noted so family can fulfill your wishes. If married, include both spouses' wishes.

5. Insurance policies – List all health, life, auto, homeowners' policies, etc. Include who is covered, policy numbers and contact information.

6. Vital documents – Include birth certificates, divorce papers, military and Social Security records, car and boat titles, mortgages and property deeds.

7. Legacy letters – Since the intent is to guide your family after you're gone, include personal notes or letters to loved ones.

8. Monthly budget – Add a copy of your budget, including bills to pay, so your family is prepared to handle household expenses.

9. Tax returns – In case of an IRS audit, your state and federal tax returns can be like an insurance policy.

10. Safe deposit box – Indicate where it's located and who has access. As backup, keep a copy in your box of the legacy drawer's contents.

11. Passwords – Write down all passwords, user names and PIN numbers so family can access computer, cellphone and financial accounts.


© Copyright The Sacramento Bee. All rights reserved.

Have a personal finance question? Call The Bee's Claudia Buck, (916) 321-1968.

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