How charity finance directors can become chief executives - The Guardian How charity finance directors can become chief executives - The Guardian

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How charity finance directors can become chief executives - The Guardian

How charity finance directors can become chief executives - The Guardian

Charity finance directors could be ideally placed to lead their organisations in an age of social bonds and performance-related-contracts, said Paul Palmer director of the Centre for Charity Effectiveness, last week.

Speaking at the Charity Finance Group's annual conference, he also suggested that finance directors who wanted the top roles in charities should try to change their job title to something other than finance director, take on special projects, broaden their focus from just finance and become a trustee: 51% of chief executives in the FTSE 100 were previously finance directors; it doesn't seem to be the same at charities, said Palmer.

But the director told several hundred delegates that a new financial landscape could pave the way for finance directors to step up. Palmer said: "As charities move away from grants to contracts and loans, leaders might require very different skills. If your charity is going down this route, there's a clear leadership role for the finance director. The move to chief executive can be an exciting journey, but you need to overcome some perceptions. And it's not an easy ride."

One piece of advice for finance directors was to look at changing their job title. "The title might be detrimental – there are perception issues with it. Trustees want the finance director to be a safe comfort blanket; they want you to conform to your role, so the title might not help you break out of that role. Change it and they might see you in a different light," said Palmer.

In the session 'How financial directors get to lead and be involved in strategic planning', Palmer also pointed out that most chief executives still came from outside the sector. "Charities still primarily import CEOs rather than export, which gives some idea of how trustees see people in the sector. But your knowledge and experience of the organisation should give you a competitive advantage. Trustees think you can understand the sector by reading a book, but it takes years," he explained.

Other advice was to be a trustee of another charity. "Two thirds of CEOs are also trustees at other charities. Resist being pigeon-holed as treasurer – take on another position."

In addition, he said chief executives should have vision, sharp people skills, a constructive relationship with the chair, be a good leader and communicator, and should understand marketing and fundraising.

"Think about your personal development. Work on your weaknesses rather than further developing your strengths. Get a coach if needed," Palmer told delegates.

Mark Watts, the recently retired chief executive of the RSPCA, told how he was offered the role when he retired from a finance director's position. On leaving, he sent a detailed document to trustees about how he thought the charity could be strengthened. It was well-received and they asked him to stay on as chief executive.

"I'd worked at the RSPCA for 28 years and saw six CEOs come and go. I had thought about going for the job but I wasn't confident enough," said Watts. "Most finance directors are very reserved and self-effacing, and trustees want to keep a good finance director in position." His advice was to "not be passive; express your opinions".

Watts added that finance directors should be the chief executive's "right hand man" and aware of drivers across the whole charity. "Have a good idea of how the organisation is performing, not just financially. Have clarity of vision and be able to communicate that. Have passion for the cause and make the impossible possible. And, don't be scared to ask questions because you think you'll look foolish," he told the audience.

Watts concluded by saying that finance directors should not underestimate the importance of their contribution at a time when financial recovery will be slow. "Maybe sometime you'll take on the reins, I promise you won't regret it," he said.

Other sessions focused on good leadership in general. Dr Robina Chatham, a training consultant and neuroscientist, said that in the current financial climate it was tempting for an organisation to just "try to survive", but it was important that the chief executive managed the future at the same time.

Chatham said that research she'd conducted with Cranfield University had found that long-term success for leaders came from understanding the world they work in. She discussed how important it was to understand covert and non-covert agendas at the office and who holds power and influence. "It could be those who are smokers who get together outside, it could be people who are fun to be with," she explained.

She also highlighted the importance of networking. "Lunchtimes are not for sitting at your desk with a sandwich if you want to be a leader," she said. "They're for networking. This is where people will share covert agendas in a less formal environment.

"And, innovative ideas come from making connections with people we don't know very well. If we stick to our friends in our team, you just get renovation, not innovation. Sparks of ideas come from conversation with someone from a totally different background. If you're not networking, you're not allowing the opportunity for really innovative ideas and you'll have no vision to inspire the organisation: 75% of your time should be spent on communication, innovating and networking," said Chatham.

She concluded that the top five traits leaders needed were high integrity, empathy, passion for motivation, courage to take risks and vision for the future.

Speaking on skills development for staff, Helen Simmons, finance director at London Diocesan Fund, offered a number of insights. She said that finance teams learn better when "doing" a task rather than reading about it or watching a demonstration.

Job swaps and shadowing also helped staff understand more about how a charity works, increasing empathy and allowing staff to cover for each other during times of sickness because they knew more about different roles.

Simmons said that at the beginning of every new job she had a meeting with all the staff: "Even if it's just for 10 minutes, find out if the job description matches the role and whether they have all the tools for the job.

"Staff need to have their needs met to do a good job. They need to feel biologically and physically safe, a sense of belonging and self-esteem. And, if they have personal issues, you need to try to understand these.

"You also need to be fair and transparent with pay and benefits. There's no point in providing biscuits if you haven't got these basics right," said Simmons.

She added that finance directors who wanted to step up to the chief executive position should gradually expose themselves to office and organisational politics and should also use any opportunities to present to staff and join project groups.

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Finance Minister's statement on Aircel-Maxis deal deferred in RS - Daily News and Analysis

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The much-anticipated statement of the Finance Minister on the controversial Aircel-Maxis deal in Rajya Sabha was today deferred to the next session even as the opposition cried foul saying "its worse fears have come true". BJP member Venkaiah Naidu drew ...

Crossing guard turns in money hanging from ATM - Orlando Sentinel

Adriana Allen found $1,800 worth of temptation sticking out of a drive-through ATM Sunday in Boynton Beach.

The bank was closed. No car in front of her. And there for the taking was a stack of money dangling from the deposit slot.

But for Allen, that was somebody else's money — not a windfall that could cover a mortgage payment or finance a shopping spree for the 46-year-old school crossing guard from Boca Raton.

"I drove up to the ATM and there was $1,800 waiting for me," Allen said Monday. "But it's just not right. … That's the way I was brought up. What you don't earn, you don't get."

So, she did the honest thing.

First, Allen tried to feed the money into the deposit slot, but it just wouldn't go, according to the police report.

So she took the money — helping the next ATM user avoid temptation — and called the police.

"They couldn't believe that I was calling for that," said Allen, who had just come from a mall shopping trip when she found the money.

A Boynton Beach police officer arrived at the Chase bank branch at 555 N. Congress Ave.

There with Allen, the officer counted the $1,800, all in $100 bills.

"It's a good story," Police Department spokeswoman Stephanie Slater said. "This woman is a great example of what you should do."

While giving back the money is the legal, and many would say moral, obligation, how many other people would turn away from the chance to pocket $1,800 during these tough economic times?

More people than you might think, according to ethics professor Robin Fiore, who serves on the Palm Beach County Ethics Commission.

People tend to do the right thing when others are watching, and most people know that a bank drive-through is under the watchful eye of security cameras, said Fiore, director of special ethics initiatives for the University of Miami Ethics Programs.

For example, studies show that more people wash their hands in the bathroom when other people are in there with them than when they are alone, Fiore said.

"If people think they are being watched, they are on their best behavior," Fiore said.

Economic need wouldn't necessarily be the driving force behind someone taking the money, Fiore said. Good character is more about habit, she says, choosing to do the right thing because that's what someone normally does.

Likewise, if someone has a history of unethical behavior or surrounds themselves with unethical people, they would be more likely to take the money, even if they didn't need it, Fiore said.

"They will rationalize it. People will make up stories so it's OK," Fiore said. "The longer they hold onto that cash, the more likely it's theirs."

Florida law requires people to turn in money that they find, whether it's sticking out of an ATM machine or piled up on the ground.

EU finance ministers haggle over bank rules - Yahoo Finance

BRUSSELS (AP) -- European Union finance ministers are to meet in in Brussels Tuesday to hammer out an agreement over how high banks should build their defenses against future financial shocks, with the U.K. running the risk of being isolated over who should set the height.

The EU's 27 members agree on the need to increase capital reserves of banks, following an international agreement called Basel III, which was negotiated by the world's largest economies to avoid another financial meltdown such as the one brought on by the collapse of U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers in 2008.

But the U.K. wants national regulators to be able to set requirements significantly higher than those of the EU — a position opposed by almost all other EU members, who fear investors might then prefer UK banks and flee from those in other countries.

On his way into the meeting Tuesday morning, George Osborne, the British chancellor of the exchequer, was non-committal about the possibility of reaching an agreement.

"This is a time of considerable uncertainty in the eurozone economies," he said, referring to the 17 countries — the U.K. not among them — that use the euro currency. "And that uncertainty is undermining the entire European recovery. And I think we're reaching a point where we've got to make a decision to see the eurozone stand behind their currency. A very important part of that, of course, is strengthening the entire European banking system. And that is what we intend to do today."

Once enacted, Basel III would require lenders to increase their highest-quality capital — such as equity and cash reserves — gradually from 2 percent of the risky assets they hold to 7 percent by 2019. An additional 2.5 percent would have to be built up during good times. All members of the G-20 have agreed to implement Basel III; if the European Union succeeds, it would become the first entity to institute the new requirements.

The U.K. is arguing that, because national taxpayers have to bail out banks when they fail, national authorities should be able to set more stringent requirements to guard against such failures. A compromise proposal offered by the Danes, who hold the rotating presidency of the European Union, would allow national authorities some leeway to increase requirements beyond those called for in the Basel III agreement. That proposal has broad support — except, so far, from the U.K.

The finance ministers can approve the compromise proposal without British support, through what is known as qualified majority voting, in which member countries have different numbers of votes according to their populations. However, there is a tradition in the EU that changes that would affect an industry in a particular country — such as the banking sector in the U.K. — are not forced into effect over the objections of that country, and consensus is sought.

"I think there should be a unanimous decision on such an important issue," Swedish Finance Minister Anders Borg said on his way into the meeting.

Finance and Accounting Employee Confidence Index Reaches 4-Year High - Yahoo Finance

BOSTON, May 22, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- The Mergis Group Finance and Accounting Employee Confidence Index, a measure of overall confidence among U.S. finance and accounting workers, jumped 8.5 points to 57.8 in the first quarter of 2012, propelling the Index to the highest level in four years. Commissioned by The Mergis Group and conducted online by Harris Interactive® among 231 workers employed in accounting or finance, the survey reveals that more finance and accounting workers are confident about the strength of the economy and in the availability of jobs, while nearly half (49%) are confident in their ability to find a new job, despite the current job market remaining highly competitive.

Q1, 2012 Survey Highlights:

Fewer Finance and Accounting Workers Believe the Economy is Weakening

  • 21% of employees believe the economy is getting weaker, a decline of 23 percentage points from the fourth quarter of 2011.

More Finance and Accounting Workers Believe More Jobs are Available

  • 21% of finance and accounting employees believe that job availability has increased, representing a seven percentage point increase from the previous quarter.

Half of Workers are Confident in Their Ability to Find New Jobs Within the Next Year

  • 49% of workers are optimistic in their ability to find a new job, versus 40% in the fourth quarter of 2011.

Nearly One in Three Workers Likely to Look for New Jobs

  • 31% of accounting and finance workers are likely to look for new opportunities within the next 12 months.

"We are pleased to see that accounting and finance workers are showing growing optimism in the overall economic landscape and job availability within their industry, and the consistent rise over the past three quarters is certainly encouraging," said Steve McMahan, executive vice president of Randstad US, Professionals. "The profession has posted sizeable gains, and one of the hottest job titles in the industry right now is a financial analyst – which is expected to grow 23 percent from 2010 to 2020. We believe 2012 will usher in a great deal of opportunity for the accounting and finance profession overall, including those with compliance, analysis, tax and forensic expertise. Our clients also have increasing needs for mortgage banking candidates due to a steady flow of foreclosures moving in the market paired with historically low interest rates. Likewise, the need for professionals that possess both the necessary certifications and degrees, coupled with strategic management capabilities and technological savvy is also rising."

The Finance and Accounting Confidence Index supplies insights into employee attitudes and sentiment around the economy, job market, job security, employers and in their ability to find a new job. Together with other economic indicators, employers can use this report to assess the overall health of the F&A industry and their workforce.   

Survey Methodology
This survey was conducted online within the United States by Harris Interactive on behalf of The Mergis Group from January 9-11, February 15-17, March 13-15, 2012 among 4,341 adults ages 18 and older, of which 231 are employed in accounting and finance. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated.

About The Mergis Group
The Mergis Group is a leading professional placement firm that specializes in recruiting for positions in finance and accounting, engineering and manufacturing, sales and marketing, legal and human resources. The firm provides recruiting services to Fortune 500 and small and mid-sized companies through its network of 35 offices nationally.

The Mergis Group is now a part of Randstad. For more information, please visit

About Randstad
Randstad is a $22.5 billion global provider of HR services and the second largest staffing organization in the world. From temporary staffing to permanent placement to inhouse, professionals, search & selection, and HR Solutions, Randstad holds top positions around the world and has approximately 28,700 corporate employees working from its nearly 4,700 branches and inhouse locations in 40 countries. Founded in 1960 and headquartered in Diemen, the Netherlands, Randstad Holding nv is listed on the NYSE Euronext Amsterdam.

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FOREX-Euro steadies vs dlr as focus shifts to EU summit - Reuters India

Tue May 22, 2012 1:52pm IST

* Euro rebound slows as profit-taking eases

* Traders still wary of short squeeze potential

* Growth/austerity debate expected at EU summit

By Nia Williams

LONDON, May 22 (Reuters) - The euro steadied against the dollar on Tuesday as its rebound from a recent four-month low stalled, although traders said selling was likely to be limited in the run-up to an informal meeting of European leaders this week.

Many in the market were sceptical policymakers could agree measures to help tackle the euro zone debt crisis and soothe concerns about Greek political turmoil and weakness in the Spanish banking system.

But with speculators' short euro positions at a record high, traders were wary of the potential for a squeeze higher on any signs of progress at Wednesday's meeting.

The euro dipped 0.1 percent against the dollar to $1.2802, but holding above last week's four-month low of $1.2642.

"I doubt any news out of the meeting tomorrow will be able to create a positive environment, but people booked some profit at the end of last week and may be waiting for better levels to sell the euro," said Niels Christensen, FX strategist at Nordea.

"Even if the political leaders were to pull an agreement out of the hat we need something that's going to take immediate effect. I see a bit of consolidation in euro/dollar and then more downward bias."

Market players saw support for the euro around $1.2789, the 23.6 percent retracement of the May fall from $1.3283 to $1.2642, and traders reported offers from Asian central banks above $1.2825-30 that were expected to cap gains.

French President Francois Hollande is expected to push for a joint euro zone bond at the EU meeting in Brussels, a measure backed by Italy, Spain and the European Commission. However Germany, Europe's largest economy, has so far opposed the move and championed austerity measures to tackle the crisis.

"The market has been sort of supporting the German line of tough austerity. But that may be changing as well," said Teppei Ino, currency analyst at the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ.

"Investors who have risk assets want their prices to rise and it's becoming clear austerity measures alone are not going to bring about that."

Many market participants were cautious ahead of the summit, which could highlight a deep divide between the German-led drive for austerity and the efforts to put more focus on growth, a pledge of the new French president.


Although the euro struggled versus the dollar it climbed 0.2 percent against the yen to 101.84. The dollar also rose 0.3 percent against the Japanese currency to 79.51, off a three-month low of 79.002 hit on Friday.

The Bank of Japan begins a two-day policy meeting on Tuesday, with most market players expecting the BOJ to keep policy on hold after easing last month.

However, speculation the BOJ could ease further raised the possibility the yen could rise if it kept policy on hold.

That could push the dollar below 79 yen, setting it on course to test the important support level of its 200-day moving average, around 78.53 yen.

The Australian dollar rose 0.2 percent to US$0.9931 , rising clear of a six-month low of US$0.9794 hit last week thanks to broad recovery in riskier assets on Monday.

Access to Finance for Women, G20 - Unlocking Economic Potential -

The G20 represents the world's most important industrialised and developing economies and is the premier forum for international economic growth and development across the globe. Next month's meeting in Mexico brings an opportunity for the G20 to recognise the critical role that women play in global economic growth and stability in roles as producers, consumers, employees, and entrepreneurs. It is the G20's duty to call for women's inclusion to ensure they receive access to finance, markets, ownership of land, and the education and training that will allow them to operate in today's economy.

In these challenging financial times the world cannot afford to ignore the collective potential of women to contribute to economic development whilst improving the wellbeing of their families. Their business acumen is very often underpinned by a drive not only to improve their own future but also to provide for their families.

The meeting of the G20 leaders is an important event when changes can be made and challenges discussed. This year advancing financial inclusion for economic growth has been established as top priorities for the summit.

Women all over the world are constantly faced with the inability to provide for themselves and their family, blocked by discrimination and cultural norms forcing them to face an unnecessarily bleak future. Although women are often the main provider for the family, they are disadvantaged by access to finance or no access at all. If this was rectified they would be able to pay for their children to go to school and enable the next generation to have a better future, as well as be more stable providers for the family.

Agriculture plays a critical role in millions of women's survival. By giving a women access to finance in a rural village, she can purchase a solar panel and start a small business through her neighbours paying to charge their electrical goods, or she can purchase livestock to feed her family and produce goods to sell. Equal access to finance will open many doors for these women who currently have nowhere to turn and are discriminated against because of their gender.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation and Farming First have produced an interactive graphic showing how women play a leading role in agriculture around the world and the challenges they are up against due to inequality. Investing in rural women has been proven to dramatically increase productivity and positively impact their lives. This doesn't just help women but also the family they are providing for and the communities they are members of.

On average in developing countries, 43% of the agricultural labour force are women and account for an estimated two-thirds of the world's 600 million poor livestock keepers. These women are discriminated against by societies, laws, tradition and access, that prevent them from owning and inheriting land.

By removing these gender discriminations it would dramatically improve food and nutrition security globally, and enable millions of women to provide for their families.

There are signs of progress with the G20 Finance Ministers recognising the need to increase women's access to financial services. This has been helped by the organisation La Pietra Coalition who has been asking the G20 to take action to advance women's financial inclusion, by endorsing the recommendations of the IFC and GPFI, and to insist that progress towards those commitments for women be measured and reported publicly.

I urge banks to work to ensure women have access and support to be able to obtain finance. I call on the G20 leaders to create the environment where women receive the support they deserve and require in order to continue to build on their contribution to the global economy. If the G20 collaborates with banks we can really start to tackle the disparities that exist in the global market and work towards creating a better environment for women.

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S.C. lawmakers repurpose money set aside for struggling homeowners - Anderson Independent-Mail

— South Carolina was given $31 million from a lawsuit settlement to help homeowners who can’t pay their mortgages, but the majority of lawmakers want to spend the cash elsewhere.

Among other things, the GOP-controlled Legislature wants to use the infusion to recruit new businesses.

The money in question is the state’s portion of a settlement involving five of the country’s largest loan providers to resolve state and federal investigations into illegal foreclosure practices.

Democrats in the state House and Senate have argued more of the cash should go to help the families who were hit hard in the foreclosure crisis.

“We’ve got their money, and we don’t want to return it back to them,” said Sen. John Scott, D-Columbia. “There’s something wrong with that kind of attitude when the rest of the time you say you want to give money back to the taxpayers.”

Republicans argue bringing new business to the Palmetto State will help those struggling to make house payments.

Anderson GOP Rep. Brian White, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee that designed the House budget, said the House didn’t neglect homeowners when it set aside the settlement money for business incentives.

“Our thought process was that the Commerce Department would be able to recruit and get people out working,” he said. “You get people employed, that’s a house payment and a paycheck.”

White said there are also lots of federal programs and agencies already assisting homeowners facing foreclosure.

The diversion of the funds is legal, the product of broad language in the $25 billion settlement that effectively gives states wide discretion to use the funds as they please.

More than a dozen states are diverting the money. But only a handful intend to spend essentially none of the funds for housing, according to a recent report by Enterprise Community Partners, a national group that advocates for affordable housing.

In its version of the budget, the S.C. House sent the bulk of the state’s settlement money to the Commerce Department’s Closing Fund, incentives used to entice companies to come to South Carolina.

The Senate’s budget that sits one vote away from approval moves $10 million from the settlement to the Commerce fund, but sets aside $5 million for the S.C. Housing Authority.

The agency would use the money primarily for legal services for families facing foreclosure and multifamily housing bonds.

The remaining balance of the settlement was put into the general fund in the Senate’s budget.

Sue Berkowitz, the director of the S.C. Appleseed Legal Justice Center, said the group was disappointed the House budget diverted all of the settlement money.

The center is asking senators to provide more of the settlement money to homeowners beyond the $5 million already in the budget.

“If you look at the intent of the mortgage settlement, the whole reason the lawsuit was initiated was because the banks were breaking the law and taking people’s homes,” she said.

While not reaching the highs experienced during the housing crisis four years ago, foreclosures are on the rise in the Lowcountry.

During the first three months of the year, the Charleston metro area’s home foreclosure rate jumped 8.5 percent from a year ago, according to online marketer RealtyTrac.

Language in the settlement gave state attorneys general, including S.C. Attorney General Alan Wilson, sole discretion over the $2.5 billion in direct payments to states included in the agreement.

Wilson wanted the money to be spent primarily on a consumer protection enforcement fund, a consumer education fund and consumer restitution.

Wilson however doesn’t control the state budget, and lawmakers didn’t go along with his plan.

According to Wilson’s office, the state received an additional approximately $16 million from the settlement beyond the $31 million in the form of direct reimbursements to borrowers.

That money will be doled out to people who have already had their homes foreclosed on.

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