• World finance bosses deny rumours of staggering bailout plan
  • But sources say contingency preparations are well under way
  • Loans would be from IMF and EU, leaving British taxpayers footing part
  • European markets rocky: FTSE-100 plunges to year-long low
  • FTSE-100 is 0.87% down; CAC 40 is 1.47% down; DAX is 2.58% down

By Daily Mail Reporter


Spain's finance minister today said his nation was fiscally stable and on the right track - despite claims it has asked the International Monetary Fund for a massive €300billion bailout.

Cristobal Montoro said that Spain's 17 semi-autonomous regions were meeting strict deficit reduction targets, meaning his government's plan was adhering to EU rules and working.

But his comments were surprising, seeing as sources said Spain wanted the staggering amount of cash to help prop up its ailing economy.

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Talks: IMF boss Christine Lagarde (left) has denied rumours that Spain wants a €300billion bailout, as the nation's finance minister Cristobal Montoro (right) said the country was 'stable'

Working lunch: German chancellor Angela Merkel sits with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso Baltic Sea States leaders earlier this week

Working lunch: German chancellor Angela Merkel sits with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso Baltic Sea States leaders earlier this week

The speculation, which has so far been denied by IMF, intensified as Spain's deputy prime minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria flew into Washington for talks with IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde and U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.

But all parties insisted the visit was 'routine' and mainly concerned with discussing how Spain can finance an overhaul of its banking sector.

The loans, which would come from both the EU and the IMF, would end up costing British taxpayers who would have to foot part of the bill.

World markets are currently rocky due to the fears, with the FTSE-100 plunging to a year-long low.

The FTSE-100 is 0.87 per cent down at 5,274.51; France's CAC 40 is 1.47 per cent down at 2,972.55; and Germany's DAX is 2.58 per cent down at 6,102.50.

Spain's banking system has been crippled by nearly €120billion of toxic loans to homeowners and developers. One in four Spaniards are now out of work.

Saenz de Santamaria said that it was 'just a coincidence' that she was coming to Washington in the midst of the banking crisis because her meetings were scheduled months ago.

Desperate: European leaders scrambled to stop the financial crisis in Spain spiralling out of control and infecting other countries such as Italy

Desperate: European leaders scrambled to stop the financial crisis in Spain spiralling out of control and infecting other countries such as Italy

But if it is a coincidence, then it is also extremely convenient, seeing as the Spanish economy is this week going through a particularly thorny period.

The government nationalised major bank Bankia earlier this month, and now says it needs to inject $23.6billion in public money into the bank - more than twice what the government had estimated.

And doubts over how recession-hit Spain will handle the bailout have sparked concerns that the country will soon follow Greece, Portugal and Ireland in asking for financial assistance.

The amount it pays on its 10-year government bonds has been rising steadily towards the critical 7 per cent level that saw those three nations begging for financial help.

Today it stands at a worrying 6.57 per cent.

Lagarde called her meeting with Saenz de Santamaria productive. She also denied a Wall Street Journal report that the IMF was drawing up plans for a rescue loan for Spain.

Saenz de Santamaria said that she discussed with Geithner some of the ideas being discussed in Europe about how to set up a fund to recapitalise European banks.

She said: 'The problem is not Spain as a country. But our financial system in a given moment has needs just like the other states had at other times.'

The denial comes as senior European officials last night issued a grave warning that the very survival of the euro is at risk as the crisis in Spain threatens to tear the region apart.

Politicians and central bankers said the situation in the eurozone was unsustainable and drastic action was needed to prevent the ‘disintegration’ of the single currency.

Crisis: Spain's government nationalised major bank Bankia earlier this month, and now says it needs to inject $23.6billion in public money into the bank

Crisis: Spain's government nationalised major bank Bankia earlier this month, and now says it needs to inject $23.6billion in public money into the bank


Eurozone unemployment has hit a record high and job losses are likely to keep climbing as the debt crisis eats away at businesses' ability to hire workers while indebted governments continue to cut staff.

Around 17.4million people were out of work in the 17-nation eurozone in April (11 per cent of the working population) - the highest level since records began in 1995, the EU's statistics office Eurostat said today.

'This 11 percent level is going to continue edging up in the coming months and probably until the end of the year,' said Francois Cabau, an economist at Barclays Capital who sees the eurozone's economy contracting 0.1 per cent this year.

'The economic activity situation tells you the story of the labour market. There's been basically no economic growth since the fourth quarter of last year and indicators are pointing to very weak growth momentum for the second quarter,' he said.

ING economist Martin van Vliet said he sees the unemployment rate reaching slightly above 11.5 per cent if the economy starts to recover later this year. But if the downturn worsens, 'the risk is for an even higher peak in unemployment,' he said.

As the debt crisis intensifies, companies in the euro zone are trying to keep their labour costs low as they struggle with falling demand and profits, while a German-led drive to cut deficits and debt is pressuring governments to shrink spending.

But some economists say austerity policies in an economic downturn are self-defeating because governments receive less tax receipts as unemployment grows and must pay out more money in jobless benefits.

They spoke out as European leaders scrambled to stop the financial crisis in Spain spiralling out of control and infecting other countries such as Italy.

The euro crashed to a 23-month low against the US dollar at $1.2335 but was up slightly against sterling having recovered from its lowest level since late 2008. Last night, 1 was worth €1.2460.

Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, said the eurozone was unsustainable in its current form.

In his sharpest criticism yet of eurozone leaders’ handling of the crisis, he said the European Central Bank could not ‘fill the vacuum’ left by governments in terms of economic growth or structural reforms.

And he called for overwhelming force to be used to shore up Europe’s battered banks to restore confidence in the financial system.

Ignazio Visco, governor of the Bank of Italy and a senior ECB member, said political inertia and bad economic decisions have put ‘the entire European edifice’ at risk.

‘There are growing doubts among international investors about governments’ ability to ensure the survival of the single currency,’ he said.

Olli Rehn, EU economic and monetary affairs commissioner, said bold action was required ‘if we want to avoid a disintegration of the eurozone’.

The apocalyptic tone from usually measured EU officials betrayed the spreading sense of panic.

Irish voters are likely to approve a European treaty on budget discipline in yesterday’s referendum – securing continued aid.

The result will be announced later today.

But the outcome of a second Greek election on June 17 – seen as crucial for the country’s future in the eurozone – is too close to call.

Here's what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts, or debate this issue live on our message boards.

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Has someone wrapped Spain'a debts up in a folder and sold it to China as an 'investment', as an example of a Sarkosy derivative?

Spain is certainly on track - but the train is heading for Greece.!!

It genuinly would be nice if true but sounds more like practising for the top job. Is Barrusso retiring.

some of you are hillarious .. you expect the germans to take the blame for greeces ills , now spains, and on top of that bail them both out should i say prop them both up .. , why ? why shouldnt both the respective counties fix their own mess that they got THEMSELVES into , bec nothing will stop them making the same mistakes again knowing that good old germany and the rest will just bail them out - Herr Schacken, Overthere, 1/6/2012 18:51 //// most of you are hillarious .. you expect the IMF to take the blame for greeces ills , now spains, and on top of that bail them both out should i say prop them both up .. , why ? why shouldnt both the respective counties fix their own mess that they got THEMSELVES into , bec nothing will stop them making the same mistakes again knowing that good old IMF and the rest will just bail them out - Same text, three subtle changes. and it may be a shock but China, USA and the rest don't appreciate being taken for fools and will be sure to retaliate.


some of you are hillarious .. you expect the germans to take the blame for greeces ills , now spains, and on top of that bail them both out should i say prop them both up .... , why ? why shouldnt both the respective counties fix their own mess that they got THEMSELVES into , bec nothing will stop them making the same mistakes again knowing that good old germany and the rest will just bail them out

Ok, let the Spanish banks go bust as long as the deposits are protected. If some of our banks will lose out the Bank of England can create some money out of free air and give it to them for free. This money is better spent this way than quantative easing. Can anyone tell me who is holding all the money that has been lost.

Why would anyone listen to a DM reader? You are always ignored because you serve no purpose as a DM reader.- Phil, Sussex, 01/6/2012 15:51 Says he who is reading the DM. Go away, silly man.

If a Spaniard tells you it is Friday - check your diary. They can't lie straight in bed - I know to my cost!

Germany expects the UK and the rest of the world, through the IMF, to bail out their currency the Euro, which constantly out preforms the British Pound. Germany's ultra strong economy benefits immensly by being in the Euro with weaker countries because if the Euro failed Germany's National currency, the Deutschmark, would immediately be exposed as too expensive, and Joe Public would not be able to buy their goods. The IMF is NOT a cash-cow to prop up Germany's extravagant life-style while their weaker partners are expected to live in poverty. The IMF should force Germany and France, as the strongest Euro users, to strengthen their currency within the European Central Bank to minimise contagion to the world's finances. If they are not willing to do that then surely the Euro must be rendered unsustainable and scrapped.

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